Wild A8 Stereoplotter – in use

This request is from a photographer who wants to find a Wild A8 Stereoplotter in use:

I’m a french artist and I work actually on the history of aerial photography.
I research a “Wild A8 Stereo plotter” and I would to know where I can find a “Wild A8 Stereo plotter” operating. I would like to make print with this.

Thank you,

David De Beyter


If you have any information that might be useful, please contact Mr De Beyter direct.  If you think someone else might have useful information, please use the Contact form to let us know.

One Reply to “Wild A8 Stereoplotter – in use”

  1. Buenas tardes,
    Tenemos un A8 Wild stereoploter en perfecto estado y necesitamos encontrar un interesado con urgencia.
    También tenemos:
    Aviomap AMH Wild
    Santoni III
    SD2000 Leica
    Mesa T.A. Wild
    Cualquier interesado, contacte. Urgente
    Saludos, Teresa Lorente

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