Malcolm Eaton RIP

Funeral arrangements have arrived from the


Monday May 16th, 3:30 pm, Easthampstead Crematorium, Bracknell.

News has come from John Tompkins that Malcolm Eaton died on 14th April. Funeral details will follow when we hear from his wife Josie. He was at Warren Lodge Home in Wokingham for the last six months, but had been ill for three years.

Malcolm joined what was then the Air Survey Company in 1956 (on the same day as John Tompkins!).

With Bix Clark, Malcolm headed up the Livingston office of Fairey Surveys, which was set up in 1973. Below is a photograph of Fairey Surveys Scotland staff from about 1974, sent in a few years ago by John Scarrott, and another which is the earliest photograph we have of Malcolm in the cricket team (but there are a number of others!), presumably at White Waltham Cricket Club, where there are also photographs of him on the walls of the clubhouse.

Faireys Surveys Scotland Ltd – Staff circa 1974 L-R Bill Clark, Isobel (Secretary), John Scarrott, Malcolm Eaton, Neil, Dave, Linda and Isabel (our four trainee draughtsmen), Graham Longley
8th September 1959
Back row L-R: Malcolm Eaton, Tony Philips, Bill Steadman, Tony Walker, ?, Jim Storey
Front row L-R: Pete ?, Peter Forsey, Peter Challis, Brian Atwen

John Parfitt photographs

Jayne Jupp has sent in some photographs of her father John Parfitt working in photogrammetry, and in a group picture.  The film crew in the first picture could be BBC South or Thames TV making a film about map making – does anyone remember?  All the people on the group photo have been identified, but not why or when it was taken.  Any additional information gratefully received, and will be added here.

Click on the photographs for a bigger picture.

John Parfitt with film crew
John Parfitt with film crew

John Parfitt on Wild A8
John Parfitt on Wild A8

John Parfitt 2

John Parfitt group photo
Left to right: Tony Dady, Malcolm Eaton, John Parfitt, Tony Apicella, Adrian Workman