We only have a few photographs from this year’s reunion. If anyone has any others they could share, please add a comment below, or email admin@faireysurveys.co.uk and I’ll add them to this post.

Click here for a full size image
For full size images, right- click the photograph and select ‘Open image in new tab’
And finally, the people who were there: (Click here for a full size image)

1 | Derek Minter | 14 | Les Ritson-Smith |
2 | Dave Padgett | 15 | Victor Brown |
3 | Brenda Miller | 16 | Gillian Wallace (Edwards) |
4 | Dusty Miller | 17 | Susan Deller |
5 | Brian Slark | 18 | John Tompkins |
6 | Jane Denham | 19 | Richard Groom |
7 | Sue Dunstan | 20 | Mike Deller |
8 | Jerry Willson | 21 | Carol Tompkins |
9 | Roger Laffoley | 22 | Raelene Brown |
10 | Anne Ullersperger | 23 | Sally Pilkinton |
11 | Ken Fostekew | 24 | Ken Ullersperger |
12 | Dave Wright | 25 | Patricia Cheffins (Bill’s daughter) |
13 | Joan Wright | 26 | Lawrence Scott |