Photographs from Ulrich Münzer

Ulrich (Uli) came to Fairey Surveys for survey experience during two summers – June to September of 1967 and July to September of 1968, and lodged with Eddie Holmes during his time here.

He is now Dr Ulrich Münzer of LMU University in Munich, Faculty of Geosciences, with a speciality in subglacial volcanoes in Iceland. Details and even a photograph here:

He spends summers in Iceland, so can’t get to the reunions, but has sent in some photographs of his time at Fairey Surveys, and his reference from Lawrence Scott when he left in 1968.

Click on the photographs to enlarge.

Dakota Whiskey Charlie before its FSL repainting
Dakota Whiskey Charlie before its FSL repainting
Wild A8s.  John Churchard, John Parfitt and John Keay
Wild A8s. John Churchard, John Parfitt and John Keay

UM photographs_0007

Mosaicing.  Pete Sharman, Stan?, ?
Mosaicing. Pete Sharman, Stan?, ?
Kelsh Plotter, operator unknown
Kelsh Plotter, operator unknown
Lots of Kelsh Plotters
Lots of Kelsh Plotters
Zeiss C8 Stereoplanigraph, Tony Dady operating
Zeiss C8 Stereoplanigraph, Tony Dady operating
Wild A8 - Don't know who the operator is.
Wild A8 – Don’t know who the operator is.
Wild A8.  Harry Hodge?
Wild A8. Harry Hodge?
Great cars - and is that Peter Challis's Ford Anglia?
Great cars – and is that Peter Challis’s Ford Anglia?
Compilation Department 1968, Peter Challis in the white coat
Compilation Department 1968, Peter Challis in the white coat
Ulrich Münzer (foreground) and Eddie Holmes (left), probably at Farnborough Air Show
Ulrich Münzer (foreground) and Eddie Holmes (left), probably at Farnborough Air Show

UM FSL reference 1968

Fairey Surveys presentations 1959

We know the date and most of the people in the photographs, but not what the presentations were for.  Attendance?  Good behaviour?

Fairey Surveys presentations 1959
Fairey Surveys presentations 1959

Left picture, L-R: ?, ?, Ken Pinkney, Bob Embleton, Rex Ackland, Peter Challis, Dave Parker
Right picture, L-R: ?, ?, Bob Embleton, Ken Pinkney, Peter Challis, Dave Parker

John Parfitt photographs

Jayne Jupp has sent in some photographs of her father John Parfitt working in photogrammetry, and in a group picture.  The film crew in the first picture could be BBC South or Thames TV making a film about map making – does anyone remember?  All the people on the group photo have been identified, but not why or when it was taken.  Any additional information gratefully received, and will be added here.

Click on the photographs for a bigger picture.

John Parfitt with film crew
John Parfitt with film crew
John Parfitt on Wild A8
John Parfitt on Wild A8

John Parfitt 2

John Parfitt group photo
Left to right: Tony Dady, Malcolm Eaton, John Parfitt, Tony Apicella, Adrian Workman

Photos of Jim Rowe

Jim Rowe’s son Chris turned up at the reunion in July.  He brought some photographs with him, and was trying to get more information about where they were taken, who the other people were, and anything else the assembled company could remember about his father.  There were a number of people who remembered Jim, and the places he worked, but there must be more out there somewhere!

Here are a couple of the photographs, from Chile and Rhodesia (?).  If anyone has any other photographs, or other memories of Jim, please leave a comment here and we’ll put you in touch with Chris.

James Rowe - Rhodesia we think
James Rowe – Rhodesia we think
Crew in Chile.  L to R: Bob Purcell, Ozzie Vertigo, Geoff Milsom, Jim Rowe and A N Other
Crew in Chile. L to R: Bob Purcell, Ozzie Vertigo, Geoff Milsom, Jim Rowe and A N Other

A number of people recognised A N Other, but couldn’t remember his name.  If anyone knows the name, please let us know (use the comment area).


Request for photos or memories of John Owen Penrose (Pen)

An email has been received from Mrs Sarah Paddison, the daughter of John Owen Penrose (Pen) a former pilot for Fairey Surveys, until the late 1960s or early 1970s:


I would be very grateful to know if anyone has any memories or photographs of my father John Owen Penrose (Pen).  I recently made my first trip back to White Waltham aerodrome but could not find anything other than the company logo in the Flying club bar.
My first memories of the airfield are getting up early, walking across the road from our house to pick mushrooms with Dad, for breakfast.
Any information would be much appreciated, thank you


If anyone has any information or photographs to share, please leave a comment, and we’ll pass on your details to Mrs Paddison.

Léopold Heimes: In memoriam

Léopold (Pol) Heimes joined the RAF after escaping from Belgium in 1940, and took part in the Battle of Britain.  These two items were passed on by John Tompkins.

Apologies for the quality – these were printed copies which were scanned.

Leopold Heimes funeral notice Leopold Heimes RAF 350 Sqn