Fairey Surveys pension plan

However long ago you worked for Fairey Surveys, if you paid into their pension scheme you may well be eligible for a pension, even if it’s tiny.  If you think you may be eligible, or have forgotten whether you contributed or not, you can get in touch with the pension administrators, contact details below:

The Pearson Group Pension Plan
Pearson Services Ltd
80 Strand
Telephone: +44 20 7010 2424
Email: pensions.helpline@pearson.com

Museum of Berkshire Aviation, Woodley

This is a bit of advertising from Ken Fostekew, about the Museum of Berkshire Aviation in Woodley, which has a whole display case (pictured) dedicated to Fairey Surveys.  The museum is amazing, and has a couple of reconstructed Fairey Aircraft amongst many others.  It is run by volunteers, and has lectures regularly from guest speakers.

Museum of Berkshire Aviation - FSL display case
Museum of Berkshire Aviation – FSL display case

The address is:  Mohawk Way (off the Bader Way), Woodley, Nr. Reading, Berkshire, RG5 4UE, and the website is:  www.museumofberkshireaviation.co.uk

There’s also a YouTube video showing the museum and many of its displays.