2 Replies to “Air Surveyor No 2 – 31st Jul 1957”

  1. Hi, just to let you know the link to the Air Surveyor editions seems to be broken.
    Lovely idea though. I think I may have a few relevant photos that I could send.

    1. Adrian, you have to click once on the Air Surveyor magazines page, on the edition you want to see, then again on the link above the ‘Leave a Reply’ section – then it comes up as the scanned copy – could you try it again? I have just tried the link using Internet Explorer and Firefox, and it seems OK. Any new photos would be gratefully received. You could either scan them and send them to me by email, or put them in the post and I’ll scan them and send them back if you want them. A few words for captions would be really helpful, as I don’t know all the people, places or equipment. My email address is gillian.wallace@talk21.com – drop me a note if you want to send me the actual photos and I’ll send you the address. Thanks again, and please try the link again and let me know if you still can’t load it.

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